Saturday, February 8, 2020


RIGHTS Rights are innate in life, connate for and of Life. Life itself bestows rights at birth by breath of life . Rights appertain to life exclusively. Rights follow life. Rights derive from the same divine source as life, life’s twin; life’s cosmic cognate & dyad . Ascription of rights to law, society, governments, constitutions abase rights and life by idolatrous deceit. In bowing before “Baal” one sins as surely as did Old Testament sinners. “Baal “ being anything but God who gives life and rights simultaneously. Rights therefore are gifts from God ; gifts of God; are of God’s essences . Any ‘right’ to exist is a right to ‘life’. No “man” is capable of conferring existence nor any rights. Mankind can confer its privileges , licenses. These are privileges; licenses but public or private contracts, implied or express, which die upon death . Divine rights “live” infinitely: never dying nor aborning being from God. People assert knowledge of rights when stopped by police, unaware that they have no rights, but only have revocable privileges, licenses . The nature of the right bestowed by God at Life is like a “seed.” Within the seed is its conditional algorithm, conditional identity & conditional destiny, depending upon the soil in which it lands & environmental and developmental factors in seed’s life. Resources sustaining seeds include air, rain, nutrients, soil suitable for it. Human seeds’ resources consists of “money”—retail means of exchange needed to acquire sustenances like food, shelter, clothing, family, love, training, protection, development . As seed is not sufficient unto itself, money is not sufficient unto itself. Both are parts of a divine panoply whose limits none may see forever, to whose end money & seed defer. The translation of this is : “All things come of thee, Oh Lord; and of thine own have we given thee.” Amen 🙏