Tuesday, November 26, 2019


COLONIAL COLOR-CODED CARD TRICK Reshuffling the deck was the tricky legerdemain that was played in the Chesapeake Bay after the 1660s in response to the nearly successful revolution by indentured servants @ the British colonial rulers in Virginia. English, Scotsmen, Welch, Irish, Europeans became “white” under the political colonial reshuffle. African indentured servants became the “blacks.” Divided by color, the threat of revolution (“Nathaniel Bacon”) to colonial rule was defeated. Former indentured servants, former equally yoked and former allies in oppression, became thereafter enemies in the colonial political reshuffling of the deck. Former “free law” emoluments like land , seed, tools, dray animals that were given only to the “whites”, put additional distinctions between the now “white” and now “black” folks. Previously all indentured servants of any color had been given “free law” earnings at the end of their contractual term of indenture. This grant had helped the newly freed men to get a new start on their own. But now the “blacks” became slaves for life under the new perverse colonial dispensation , as reified by law: judicial, legislative, religious, trade, cultural, education. Whites became fellow citizens, who were freighted with voting privileges if they owned sufficient property. Of course a panoply of other laws were put in place to frustrate the rejoining of former indentured servants . Interracial marriage was outlawed. The one-drop of African blood rule was adopted to clarify coverture, descent , distribution. Moreover blacks could not inherit, nor contract , nor bear arms, vote or enjoy any incidents of citizenship. Indeed, blacks became something other than human in the popular cultural conceptional expression. The book, NOTES ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA (1785) by Thomas Jefferson, in “Query XIV” directly states that black women are akin to Orangutans. His Sally Hemings was therefore an orangutan like he was! The color divided America’s early colonists to perpetuate power in the elite. Enslaved blacks proved to be pliable, inventive, moral, profitable, prolific in reproduction, smart. So the color system that was designed to prevent revolution among the lowers sustained itself through the Civil War down to the present day. Another merit paradigm must be conceived to replace the old black white political one, for America to shake free of the baleful color coded disability under which it has labored so long. The Declaration of Independence is as good a place as any to begin our national renewal. (By the way , our “Declaration” was written by iconic pamphleteer, Thomas Paine, not Thomas Jefferson , as falsely claimed. Thomas Jefferson was one of five men on a Continental Congress editing committee—with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams—who edited the original 86 times before it was finally promulgated as it is.)