Thursday, November 7, 2019


The issue with many black youth and adults in the United States of America, at least , is not merely penological nor sociological, but it is philosophical, theological ; hence it is cosmological. Meaning this: Blacks’ self-conceptions are impinged, unhinged, from the flow of nature that is their heritage , pedigree, pericope. A resultant lack of self-actualization is thus a consequence for far too many. Breaking it all the way down, it is this: One must have at least a divine goal an imperishable pole to tether one’s soul. One produces two; which produces a plane, which enables the geometry to qualify, quantify, parts to part to whole. Still don’t get it? Know that you are gods and that all of you are children of the most high God; but you shall fall like princes and die like men. Behold!