Thursday, January 3, 2019


DYNASTY OF BEING Plumbing, quintessentially, life's verities , mysteries, is a satisfying, gratifying, concern, experience, endeavor. Since mankind began its earthen sojourn, in the indeterminate past: our baby-like, feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling ,intuiting, teething about our peculiar place in this evolving revolving, environment, abode, we have ever and always sought, but never found, nor grasped, adequate answers for any life verity, nor for any of life's mysteries. Every age or stage in the life of mankind has seemed to have been too overwhelmed by the fact of its uniquely singular existence, that it has striven anew, as we now do, to know--whither, whence, why, thence, wherefore, what, we are . The bare fact of our birth trumps a need to know its precise date. If mankind cannot answer for, account for its own being; if it is unable to comprehend its own verity, its own mystery, there is little hope for resolving those of others. Among life's greatest, seemingly inscrutable, imponderables, we irresistibly seek, but do not find, the fount , the star, the thing, the force, that was/is a source of our dynasty of being. AMEN.