Sunday, July 22, 2018


TWO FAILED SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS In 3rd grade, my two practical science demonstrations both fabulously failed before the entire student body to their uproarious laughter. One had involved a boiled egg being induced to enter a glass bottle's top by heat subduction, by a match held to the bottle's bottom. The other science demonstration née experiment involved placing a piece of paper atop a glass of water, flipping over the water glass, with the paper atop it, and the water not spilling out . Both demonstrations nee experiments had worked perfectly in Miss Ming's 3rd grade class at James Milton Turner Elementary School in Meacham Park, Kirkwood Missouri School District in 1959-1960 term. My classmates were all excited and aflutter about science . But, for whatever reason that which had worked privately, failed publicly! Specifically, the boiled egg did not get sucked into the bottle, but remained steadfastly on top. Moreover, when I turned over the glass of water with the paper atop, the water spilled all over my shoes! I was so embarrassed! We were so embarrassed! but we could do nothing more than join in the laughter and clean up our mess! Memories are magical things that renew our spirits!