Thursday, April 28, 2016


Orchids in the millions of species, in the Adirondack Mountains in New York, have returned to reclaim and to restore an abandoned the soil near, on, about, an iron ore strip mine, to the stunned amazement of naturalist/botanist, I have just read. Look at God work! Made possible by a symbiotic fungi that enable depleted soil to restore itself and as a consequence to facilitate the rare orchids ' root development from that so-called "depleted" soil. Thereby the fungus, which initiated this polluted soil's resurrection, thereby benefited, itself, from the grown orchids' photosynthesis, which nourished the fungi! But for the depletion and destruction of the soil, none of this could be, scientists say. Me being me, naturally, I see God and black history sending signals to us, by this botanty's phenomenology. As souls have been drained and depleted, like that polluted soil, they too can be restored by nature, by God. Glory Hallelujah! The article states: "All the orchids and the wintergreen are dependent on mycorrhizal fungi for seed germination. Without the fungi, there would be no plants. Yet after the deposit of the mine tailings, the below ground system had to develop from scratch and now we see that all the elements have returned for incredible floral displays. Indeed, it could be that the plants and fungi are so abundant because of the disturbance history, and I feel this adds a wonderful element to the site's conservation value." --THAT WILL PREACH!