Monday, March 21, 2016


SILENT SENTIENCE You can always learn something else, from someone else, at some other place or time. There is simply too much existing, or that has existed, for any one person to know it all. Always, new things are forever being born. You are ever learning new things about yourself daily! Given that inexorable fact, learning something new about something new is twice confounding! As the value, "Pi"--3.14...--is ever unraveling, never repeating, infinitely, indefinitely, number after number, so too is, or must be, our innate learning imperative as infinite. Given this welter of learning that simultaneously assails us with each scent, sight, touch, taste, sound, or intuition, that we experience, we must be learning in spite of ourselves, without any specific intent to learn; without any specific effort on our part! We probably, even learn, subliminally, while we are asleep, as silent sentience sings sonorously within our souls! Of course, whenever we seriously apply ourselves to learn or seek to learn how to do something that must be done, we inevitably find a way to get it done! Energy applied to learning, then, particularly when guided by some grander ideal or purpose, is very enabling.