Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I am now reading the late Dr. Ronald W. Walters' final book, WHITE NATIONALISM/BLACK INTERESTS (2003), and it has me gasping for breath, in admiration of its acute profundity! If you have read it, then please excuse my tardy recognition of the greatness of this scholar! (By the way, I am still in the introduction !) For example, he writes: "What the two perspectives, one Liberal and one Conservative, have in common is that both affirm the subordinate status of Blacks in relation to Whites as a basic value, a paradigm that, if challenged or changed, would activate both Liberals and Conservatives alike to seek to protect their status and reimpose subordination upon Blacks. This paradigm is so powerful that it has the capacity to energize Whites to invoke common interests and come together regardless of differences of political ideology or party.... "Social psychologist Johann Galtung suggested that culture was an important intervening variable in disrupting the structural dimensions of status, and that the improvement of economic and educational opportunities for Blacks promoted conflicts between Blacks and Whites. Thus, the alienation of manifested behavior may be expressed differently according to class, with lower-income alienated groups expressing more violent, socially aggressive behavior and higher-income groups utilizing institutional processes aggressively." P.6-7