Wednesday, September 10, 2014

thoughts on thinking

THOUGHTS ON THINKING Everyone thinks. Even babies think. So, thought should alarm no one, especially what someone thinks of themselves. All think on themselves, have some estimate of themselves, be it estimable or not! It is there. Yet, more disputes are generated by what we think that someone thinks of themselves, than is rational. We hardly know what we ourselves think of ourselves, at any given time. Even less so, then, can we possibly know the self-thoughts of another at any given time. Only God reads minds. It is impossible to read others' minds, thoughts being the final figment of life, until death's dissipating doom. One's conduct does not necessarily, nor accurately, reveal one's thoughts. It is written that even in mortal combat each side would rather flee, than fight, retreat than risk injury. One passively submitting to some form of discipline would rather be disciplining the other, if the truth were known. Famously, some songwriter wrote these words: "Your body's here with me, but your mind is own the other side of town." That settles it! In this age where there is the increasing loss of personal privacy, and of ever-diminishing personal prerogatives, it is profitable for all to leave another to their own thoughts and intuitions; while you, just as assiduously, cherish and guard your own such. Sharing your thoughts, if it profits or pleases you, and refraining to share them, when to do so is imprudent or unprofitable, is the greatest thought anyone can apply.