Saturday, August 16, 2014


STUDY BUDDIES OR GROUPS Some years ago, at my law office, I consulted with a young black woman with a Master of Arts degree in sociology from a Kansas university. Thereby, I was surprised to learn that she had never heard of, much less read or studied, Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, the Howard U-educated, first black president of the American Sociological Association, and the author of many now-classic works, including: BLACK BOURGEOISE. I gasped at her gross educational deficiency, then. And still do, now! It is imperative that we form study-buddy groups, in school and out, to help us to grasp the enormity of knowledge and information existing, that is exponentially expanding. Other groups especially Asians, whites, and Jews do this; aggregate to learn and to develop many things. One of my greatest joys as a student at Howard U., was when another classmate and me collaborated, one summer every day, in order to make up a math course in ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS that we had both failed as sophomores. We later obtained B's in that course, from a professor who did not award "A's" to anyone! While we were overjoyed with the B's, we were also saddened by the end of our ritual of daily striving, preparing, comparing, and collaborations, which ended with the course, which had enriched us so much, both materially and spiritually. Find you a study-buddy or study-group for whatever purpose it may serve. You will also be blessed by it. I was. We were.