Saturday, August 16, 2014


RACISM'S COROLLARIES Racism and its impacted corollaries are mental health issues of epidemic proportions in America, affecting blacks, whites, and others. Its corollaries include white supremacy and criminality; along with black inferiority and criminality. White supremacist and criminality corollary includes police brutality and murder. Black inferiority and criminality corollary consists of public and private acts of civil disobedience like looting. Elements of both corollaries hate and fear each other as well as themselves; for, protection and camouflage they hide within and infect groups who resemble them, better enabling expression. Neither element is aware of its own corollary status; but all-too-aware of its opposite. As a consequence, entire groups get branded, with the criminal acts of its corollaries. Finding and reforming these corollaries is an essential step in Ferguson and in America.