Sunday, July 20, 2014


The Bantu Shines Through! As a teenager, in the hot summer of 1964, I was painting a house in St. Louis with my father, when Daddy said to me from out of the blue: "The man who owns this house is very well educated. He knows many things.'" A bit later, an elderly black man stepped outside to inspect our work. "Larry, come here son. I want you to meet someone." Daddy then introduced me to the homeowner whose name now escapes me; though, I believe it was Dr. Weathers. Our conversation was brief. All that I recall was this man looking at my father and saying that he saw Indian features in his face; then looking at me and saying: "In you, I see Bantu." Inwardly, I recoiled at that facial comparison. For reasons I could not fully understand, I was embarrassed! Even at age 13, I knew that the Bantu was an African tribe or group of tribes. I also knew that they were frequently depicted as savage, backwards, brutish, and ugly. Indians, were also a group of tribes, American tribes, 'noble savages'. They had high cheekbones, and straight black hair. From them, many of us colored folks proudly claimed descent. None claimed to be Bantu. Later that day, Daddy said "I'm an Indian, you're a Bantu." I did not reply right away. But, I do recall thinking: "Still, I am your son, Bantu or not." Eventually, I worked up the nerve to say, "Father Mitch must be Bantu, too, Daddy, because he is jet-black. " Noting this truthful retort respecting his own father, my grandfather, Daddy wryly smiled and said, "Yes, son, he sure is, and he is very proud." Years later in our high school's one-half semester Psychology class, I learned that the dark gene or melanin was dominant, while all others were regressive or subordinate to it. That is another way of saying that through it all, the Bantu shines through. Now, too, I know that the Bantus are the first humans from whom all men descended in Africa eons ago, as well as fire, language, and human civilization itself. Here too and in all ensuing civilizations: THE BANTU SHINES THROUGH!