Thursday, July 10, 2014

saddened by certain black christian sayings

I am both saddened and baffled to hear so many Christian black people say: "I'd rather have Jesus than silver and gold;" or who say "long as I got King Jesus, I don't need nobody else!" Such lyrical expressions are canards or lies, which defy logic and human nature, even if they are popular in certain quarters of their faith clutch. Both King David and his son, King Solomon had vast quantities of silver and gold. Both men were forebears of Jesus, epistemologically, genealogically and spiritually. Jesus himself said, "Man does not live by bread alone (not even by the bread of life, alone); but, by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." There is no need for humans to try to make Jesus more appealing by such untruths; as the 'only begotten son' of God, he is plenty strong now! 2 SharesLikeLike · · Promote · Share