Sunday, May 4, 2014


THE TRUE NATIONAL DEBT In calculating the United States' "national debt," the enormous debt owed to black people is never included or calculated. Why not ? Almost a century of unpaid labor as slaves must be included for our 4 million enslaved forebears. The hard-earned savings lost in the federally-chartered, Freedmen Savings Bank swindle of the 1870s, when blacks were robbed of millions by Wall Street sharpies must be included. Also included should be unpaid wages and pensions to contraband and freedmen during the Civil War. Of course, the present value equivalent of forty acres and a mule that was promised, withheld, and returned to rebels, should also be included. The century of purposefully unenforced federal laws, incident to which there were tens of thousands of deaths and injuries by white vigilantes who, as often as not, were state and local officials and mob leaders, who were never prosecuted. Real and personal property damages of all kinds must be calculated and compensated. All of the aforesaid is to be with interest at the prevailing judgment rate. So, when Congress, and the Chief Executive again takes up the national debt limit, make sure our interests are articulated and included. Make sure our representatives and senators--all 536 of them, not just the Jim Crow 'Black Caucus,' press for our share!