Thursday, May 29, 2014

Get your 'MRS' Degree, Too!

Get your 'MRS' Degree. Too! While you pursue your degree, young lady, be certain that you "pursue" a good husband too. That's wisdom. Too often the cry had been, "where are the men?" Tyler Perry has built an empire around that question. When I took my son to Howard to register in 1999. I overheard two giddy young coeds discussing a mutual friend. One said to the other that this third person was "acquiring her MA and her MRS at the same time!" MA I knew as master's degree. But, what kind of degree was an MRS, I wondered? Soon, they started discussing wedding plans, and it hit me like a load of bricks! Marriage is what MRS is about! Times had changed at alma mater since I finished in the mid-1970s! Then, the emphasis was not on marriage, but on careers. Peers were rubbing shoulders and bodies together, just to have a good time. And now it seems, to waste time too! But, even then, as I now reflect back, the most perspicacious among us were actively (or with subtlety) seeking marriage partners, while they pursued their college degrees. Being "old school," I write this admonition to advise young women and young men, that when you go to college, you will be among the best and brightest, most concentrated, collective of beauty, poise, and brains that you are ever apt to encounter again anywhere else on Earth. Take advantage of it! Show yourself to be both wise and learned. Get your MRS along with whatever other degrees you may acquire in school. Win a double victory thereby! By the way, my son's wonderful wife found him at Howard U., too, a few years thereafter. Smart girl! Smart guy! Seize the moment of a lifetime!