Monday, April 14, 2014

Maat is order; Isfet is chaos; their synthesis yield balance.

2 hours ago loveliness and intelligence Maat Hotep" Do Maat and Live! ! ! Ma’at is a female goddess who represents justice and balance. This goddess is often seen with an Ankh (the symbol of life); however, she can also be seen sitting or standing with outstretched wings. She can almost always be identified by a large ostrich feather sitting on top of her head. This feather has come to symbolize her being as well as the representation of the concepts of balance and order. The goddess was more than just a goddess. She came to represent the concept of balance and order because many Egyptians needed to explain the balance of the world around them. Everything about their culture was centered on order and everything had its place in the world. This included religion, governmental affairs, and seasonal changes. The opposing force was chaos, also known in ancient terms as isfet. This opposing force, together with Ma’at’s order, brought about a balance in Egyptian life. To illustrate this concept, the Ancient Egyptians considered the desert around the Nile to be chaotic; whereas, the area around the Nile was considered orderly. Together, these two forces brought balance to the world in which they lived. This balance was important and part of everyday Egyptian life. Pharaohs also practiced this god’s concept of order during their reign. Pharaohs were expected to practice Ma’at, which meant it was their job to keep their nation in a state of order. This meant building temples, making offerings to the gods, keeping enemies at bay, and making honest decisions. Anything else was considered chaos and disorder. The people of Egypt believed that through Ma’at, the pharaoh kept Egypt stable and orderly. To some pharaohs, Ma’at was so intertwined into their kingdoms that some pharaohs changed their staffs’ names to accommodate this god. For example, the pharaoh Amenhotep III had his Principal’s name changed to Neb-Maat-Ra, meaning “lord of truth is Ra.” This name association with the Goddess Ma’at was mainly done during the Fourth Dynasty and shows the devotion to the deity. If the pharaohs strayed from the teachings of Ma’at, chaos would then occur.