Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Lifting up Jackie Robinson, is tantamount to lifting a scalp off the skull of black America's spirit of self-determination, whose demise began with the dissolution of the Negro Leagues baseball in 1947, when Jackie was signed from KC's Monarch's; and which was followed up with the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, et. al,, decision in 1954, which eventually destroyed black schools, families, teachers, communities, nationwide! Both organized baseball and black schools, were bases of our black economic and civic pride and power, which employed thousands upon thousands, and which were the ties that defined and binded. Our people, ever intent on absolute freedom and equality under law, mis-perceived these dissolutions of black community pillars and foundations to be great advances, as they were often reassured by apparent 'leaders,' who they presumed to have their best interests at heart. Unfortunately, these 'leaders' ultimately were using blacks as others' foils, few realizing that once the economic and civic foundations were gone, so, too, was the black community. This is reflected today in so many horrible ways that hurt! History speaks of our tenacity, and resilience, even in the smiling face of deceit, as this. Call upon that well-spring of love, creativity, faith, and toughness to restore what was lost!