Monday, November 19, 2012


The USA became a nation in 1787, with blacks incommensurably amerced as 3/5's of a man for purposes of Southern Congressional numeration. We freed ourselves from chattel slavery by force of our own "sable arms" in the Civil War with over 200,000 enlisted black troops and sailors in 1865, striking the decisive blow, in battle after battle, following January 1, 1863, when the Emancipation Proclamation became effective. Along with those enlisted were untold thousands of "contrabands of war," i.e. runaway slaves. That same year, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was formally ratified. Thereby, what had already been effected militarily was confirmed and conformed constitutionally! 1865-1787=78 years, right? A mere blink of an eye, historically!
Let us all be thankful to Almighty God!