By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman
What is “pi?” Shown as 3.141592654
(scientific pi) … 22/7 (astronomical pyramid pi) or 3.142857143.
Pi has been defined as “The number
obtained by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter.
It approximately equals 3.14.” Math-E-Magic: 169 Astonishing
Numerical Challenges, by Raymond Blum, Adam Hart-Davis, Bob
Longe, and Derrick Niederman, “Glossary,” p.5 (Sterling
Innovation, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New
York/London: 2010).
What ancient geometer first happened
upon pi and why? Plato is reputed to have said “God is the Great
What are the implications of Pi? What
does it denote and/or connote cosmologically? These questions get to
the nature of man, the nature of the universe; indeed, the nature of
According to the definition above, Pi
is the number: obtained by dividing, its “creator”—its circular
circumference—by its “created”--its diameter. Put another way,
it can be viewed as the linear plane (straight line) divided into the
curvilinear plane (circle) describing it.
The website cited above was created by
John Charles Webb, Jr. It contains much useful, albeit evocative and
provocative, information, some of which being quite esoteric, is well
beyond my present ken.
Of course, we are rotating,
imperceptibly, on Earth every 24 hours at 1670 km/per hour (1037.69
while revolving around the sun at
107,000 km/per hour (66,486.72 mph), equally imperceptibly.
How strange is that?
Despite such break-neck speeds, we
don't feel a thing and we can't fall off the planet!
Pi permeates and regulates our total
being from here to eternity, from Earth to infinity.
Pi makes each pebble, grain, leaf,
droplet, and person, in existence at any time, unique! Male, female,
and Pi, holy spirit, which is the Law of Life!
Romans 8:2-- “For the law of the
Spirit in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and
Pi, I have concluded, is the constant
of life misperceived as a mathematical, non-repeating variable. Pi is
the most rational of numbers misperceived as irrational! Now, that's
really something to ponder!
Go figure!