Monday, September 10, 2012

THE COLORED GREEN TREE: an admonition and plea

My short, 24-page, novelette, THE COLORED GREEN TREE, is written for and about Negroes who won't read, who don't read, or who studiously refuse to read! That non-reading fetish is the root cause of our present malaise, our anomie as a people. So these inveterate non-readers (ask former "black" bookstore owners) probably won't read my book, either! 
The first "big word" they encounter, over two-syllables, will alienate them! Should the more adventurous ones, adventitiously, discover a dictionary, online, or else where, and bother to look up that "big word;" then, the book's ostensible subject matter, collard greens, "soul food," will surely estrange even them! Collard greens are "slave food" to these sham-"conscious" or faux-"enlightened" folks! Never mind collard greens' that their ancestors ate them, gladly and righteously! Totally irrelevant to these "happy-nappy" folks is collard greens' unassailable nutritional value, ease of planting, care and harvest, and still reasonable costs!
This book was not specifically written for or about white people.  Mention of them is incidental to their celebration of, or to their ignorance of, collard greens. White people will probably be--if they have not already been--my book's predominant purchasers. Langston Hughes, openly acknowledges in THE BIG SEA, his first of two autobiographies, that whites are, and have been historically, the principal puchasers of all so-called "black" and non-black books, including his! This fact he notes with bittersweet irony, bordering on humor. 
There is a direct correlation, 1 to 1, between those who read and those who lead, throughout history, just as there is an inverse correlation between non-readers and societal slaves and flunkies, throughout history! Both Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have pointed this out.
This fact may not dissuade the "conscientiously ignorant," to quote Dr. King, from their non-reading fixation. But, it may help one or two along the way!
My book, THE COLLARD GREEN TREE, is allegorical non-fiction: infusing science, history, current events, the Bible, music, folklore, and, of course, food!

Read it and rejoice with me in joy and the wonder!

It is on both Kindle and it is also at "books."