Monday, May 29, 2017


USCTCELEBRATE THE TRUE DEFENDERS! Seldom do any conservatives ever bother to celebrate the loyal Union men, who were the TRUE defenders of the United States Constitution, black and white men, slave and free men, when extolling the more prominent slaveholding men, who were among the founders of the Republic, but whose ideological descendants sought to destroy the United States with their Confederate States of America excision. As "Memorial Day," which we celebrate May 29, 2017, as a legal holiday was itself founded by humble South Carolina freedmen to honor the defenders of the Union, the United States of America, it is but meet that we pause to lift up true DEFENDERS! The "Memorial Day" that we celebrate now was born as, and was originally known as, "Decorations Day." The article linked below explains this bleaching-out process of historical racial emasculation of a black freedom celebration into a generic universal, veterans holiday, without any ostensible Civil War associations, or ties. But, revisionist dissociation must not triumph, yet again, with black history, to appease the lying troubled miens and guilty consciences of the current descendants of the same revisionist, traitorous malefactors who then sought, and who still seek, to destroy our beloved nation, the United States of America.,%20They%20Hid%20It:%20How%20Memorial%20Day%20Was%20Stripped%20Of%20It%27s%20African%20American%20Roots