Sunday, May 28, 2017
The Eulogy of Stephen Coleman
“Now I See!”
In the 13th Chapter of I Corinthians
The 12th verse we find these words…
For Now…, we see
Through a glass darkly;
But soon we shall see him face to face
For now, we know in part
But soon we shall know even as we are known.
The Message Bible says it this way
12 We do not yet see things clearly, that we need to see.
We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist.
But it won’t be long
Before the weather clears and the sun shines bright again!
We’ll see it all then,
We’ll see it all clearly
Just as God see us!
Pastor Marvin Sapps in one of his songs says it this way
Never could have made it, without you
I would have lost it all
But now I see how you were there for me
So Today I can say
I'm stronger,
I'm wiser
I'm better, so much better
When I look back over all that you brought me through
I can see that You were The one I look up too
So, today I am singing
I never would have made it
No I never, could have made it, without you
I would have lost it all
But “Now I See” how you were there for me
The song Writer said: Now I See! Now I See!
I am the youngest child born to
Elvis Mitchell and Margie Dean Coleman
When I was a child
I was afraid to say my Easter Speech at church
Public Speaking events made me nervous
I would forget Any and Everything I was expected to say
It was then Steve
As he was affectionately called by his brothers and sisters
Became my Sunday School Teacher
He taught me how to read the scriptures
He taught me how to recite what I read, in 30 seconds or less
Now I See, how you were there for me
I never would have made it, without you
➢ When I was in Junior high school
And my other siblings, including Steve
Were Achieving Academic Excellence
Making Straight A’s
Making the Honor Roll
Becoming the Valedictorian of their Class
I was failing history
It was then that Steve became my Academic Tutor
Every Saturday without fail
He would take my sister Pam and I to the movies
Then after the movies, over an Ice Cream Cone
He would sit us both down and quiz us about what we learned from what we saw
Steve quickly discovered that his little sister Pam was very smart
But his younger brother Edwin was a visual learner
Now I See, how you were there for me
➢ When I was freshman in High school
I loved playing sports, basketball and football
But I was slow and weak
It was then that Steve became my Athletic Trainer
Every other morning
He would wake me up
And compel me to follow him to Steger Elementary school
Where we would run 10 one hundred yard sprints
Then we would come home and do
100 push-ups followed by 100 sit-ups
Now I See, how you were there for me
I never would have made it, without you
➢ After graduating from College
I came home and told Steve, I wanted to go to graduate school
It was then that Steve became my Personal banker
Every month without fail, that I remained in Seminary
Steve would send me a $400 dollar check
So, I could focus on my studies, instead of working.
Now I See, how you were there for me
Never would have made it
➢ After Seminary…
I was called to be the student Pastor of a church,
My first church in Parsons, Kansas
It was then Steve became my Career Manager
The Denominational leaders
who were recruiting me
Were, offering me
A parsonage…, with a base salary
To come and serve as their next pastor
But when I came home to show Steve their offer
He noticed that the salary was below the poverty line
He re-worked the numbers for me into a counter offer
Then sent me back to the church board, in Parsons, Kansas
And Told me to tell them
If they would double their numbers
they have a deal
Now I See, how you were there for me
Never would have made it
Never could have made it Steve, without you
When I wanted to learn how to play the trumpet
Steve gave me his trumpet
When I needed a job
Steve introduced me to the Owner and CEO of Edison Brother’s Shoe Company and paid for the lunch
When I needed clothes to start a new career
Steve gave me a pair of his Cohan Loafers and two of his best Evan Picone business suits
Now I See, how you were there for me
Never would have made it
Never could have made it, Steve without you
In our text
The Corinthians were Spiritual Babies
And Like all Spiritual Babies,
Spiritual Babies need guidance and help
They were striving for the temporary and neglecting the eternal
They were holding on to the fleeting Gifts
While letting go of their Christian Character.
And after the Lord revealed to Paul
That these “Spiritual Gifts” would soon pass away
He writes this letter and says
Prophetic Utterances
Will be replaced by the Written Word of God
The Gift of Tongues will cease
And the Gift of healing will no longer be needed
Then Paul confesses these words to The Corinthians
He says…
For now, I know in part
But soon I shall know even as I am known.
I do not yet see things clearly, that I need to see.
I am squinting in a fog, peering through a mist.
But it won’t be long
Before the weather clears and the sun shines bright again!
Then I will see…just as God see me!
In other words
When we lose the one’s we love
Their… Ab-sence may not make much sense
There will be people, places and things associated with our loss that even we who have matriculated and graduated won’t understand
But be not dismayed my brothers and Sisters
Unless we have sorrow upon sorrow
Because In our text
Paul reminds us there is appointed time for God to speak
A time
When every Valley shall be exalted
And every mountain and hill made low
A Time
When the crooked shall be made straight
And the rough places made smooth
Be not dismayed my brothers and sister
There is an appointed time for God to speak
A time when
If we wait on the lord and be of Good Courage
He shall renew our strength, we shall walk and not get weary
We shall run and not faint!!!
Be not dismayed…My brothers and sisters
There is an appointed time for God to speak
And He shall have the final say
When there was a man lame at the pool of Bethesda
It was God who spoke
When they laid the man daily at the Gate Called Beautiful
It was God who spoke
When they lower the man through the roof on a stretcher
It was God who spoke
When He saw the little man sitting in the sycamore tree
It was God who spoke
When he saw the fig trees with no Figs
It was God who spoke
When the men were judging that woman caught in Adultery
It was God who Spoke
When Mary and Martha were mourning their brother’s Lazarus death
It was God who spoke
When Peter got out the boat and started walking on the water
It was God who spoke
When Paul was on the Road to Damascus to persecute the believers
It was God who spoke
When Ananias and Sapphira lied about their Financial Affairs
It was God who Spoke
When the Apostle John was on the Isle of Patmos
It was God who Spoke
When our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ was dying on the Cross
It was God who Spoke
After Mary Magdalene arrived at the Empty tomb
It was God who Spoke, from heaven and said
This is my Son, Whom I love, With him I am well pleased!
Now I see, Now I see (repeat)
Closing Thoughts: Whenever we have an experience
That we did not learn from the Scriptures or from the Lord,
That is the time to “keep silent,” and let God Speak
Now I see…