Tuesday, May 12, 2020


WHAT LOVE HAS JOINED The whole world must decide seemingly between health and wealth in the midst of the Covid19 crisis. But the choice that each country must make for itself and for its citizens’ well-being is a deceptive one. For without health there can be very little wealth. Without wealth there can be very little health. Mankind needs both. Life of all kinds needs both. Health and wealth are needs! Wealth ultimately is life: air, water, food, warmth, clothing, shelter, love, family, peace of mind, knowledge and wisdom. Health is the bodily capacity to painlessly enjoy the wealth. “It would be easier to take wet from water,” sung Smokey Bill Robinsons and the Miracles in “What Love Has Joined Together.” The song explains our vivid 2020 Covid19 dilemma, that is: part political, part economic, part philosophical, part biological-medical, part social, part epidemiological, part anthropological, part epistemological, part religious. Indeed it is part everything! God is also everything, including Covid19. We must, in short, do both simultaneously; take health and wealth not separated, but as one. For they are joined together like life and death, male and female, God and love. For God’s divine love made us by the exercise of divine will and everything else! Amen.