Wednesday, April 29, 2020


RE-QUALIFYING BROTHER MALCOLM X “Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research. And when you see that you've got problems, all you have to do is examine the historic method used all over the world by others who have problems similar to yours.”  While that is true, with all due respect to brother Malcolm X, whom I love as my gifted teacher of truth and as my purveyor of wise philosophy & practical methodology, I now take philosophical issue with his use of the adjective “best” regarding history. “History” certainly rewards all manner of research surely, unquestionably; yet the history of mankind is but a subset of methodical research. Earliest mankind’s history was immured in nature, seemingly magically arose from nature and spirit. Thus born of both, mankind is a supernatural phenomena which masters, manipulates, rules the earth and it’s wondrous glories, species. Mankind is also innately blessed with imagination, intuition, into the eternal everlasting spiritual realm of the divine "God." For, far above the earth are the stars, sun, moon , planets, meteors, quasars, black holes, galaxies, constellations, infinite universe. Up above the earth also is atmosphere, whence come rain, snow, hail, winds, clouds afloat, and unknown flying objects. These too mankind has and yet studies , researches, records, teaches, codifies, symbolizes, deifies, in marble, sandstone, granite, basalt. Ancients' temple construction was based on survey, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, arithmetic, fractions, that were taught from infancy to boys and girls alike, as Plato writes in THE LAWS. Philosopher Plato lived, studied, worked in the 4th century B.C., three hundred years after the "fall" of ancient Kemet as a sovereign nation, when it was under Persian rule. Thus, returning to Malcolm X, I would simply say that research “best” rewards further research by affording a foundation for more research, that never ends. The history of mankind is one among many subjects that “research”richly rewards; but not the "best." Indeed, natural history is the unlimited umbrella of mankind in relationship to the infinity of nature. In addition to divine sensory tools, mankind’s acquired tools, works, disciplines, axioms, deductions formed from observation, experiments, trial and error are within the unending domain of an even greater universal natural history, world without end. Amen . Mankind's research into : astronomy, agriculture, navigation, mathematics, medicine, music, philosophy, chemistry , animal husbandry etc, flow from precognition of God as maker , master, giver of all things; however "God" may be defined, conceived. Amen.