Monday, December 30, 2019


GOD RULES & SUPER-RULES “My hope for the future of my race is further supported by the rapid decline of an emotional, shouting , and thoughtless religion. Scarcely in any direction can there be found a less favorable field for mind or morals than where such a religion prevails. It abounds in the wildest hopes and fears, and in blind, unreasoning faith. Instead of adding faith to virtue, its tendency is to substitute faith for virtue, and is a deadly enemy to our progress. There is still another ground for hope. It arises out of a comparison of our past condition with our present one,—the immeasurable depths from which we have come, and the point of progress already attained. We shall look over the world, and survey the history of any other oppressed and enslaved people in vain to find one that has made more progress within the same length of time than have the colored people of the United States.” P. 937, “Appendix,” LIFE AND TIMES OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS (1881, 1994), “West India Emancipation address” Elmira, NY (Aug. 1, 1880). It took me several days to get the courage to get around to quoting this “religious” part of the great former slave, Frederick Douglass’ powerful address. That delay was probably because I thought that it might be misinterpreted by cynical knaves who are intent on destroying the black church. I was raised in a church where people shout; where none of the pastors were very well educated, informed, sophisticated. Neither were we, members, as far as that goes. But we serve a mighty God! A God who can make an ass speak! Can make iron float! And can deliver Daniel, Jonah,Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego! Deliver me! That same God delivered Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey, Elijah Lovejoy, John Brown! So interpretations may vary but the sun still shines, stars still dazzle and God still rules & super-rules!