Monday, September 9, 2019


DECODING "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" AS FRAUDULENT "Make America Great Again" was a remarkable example of confusion, in that it blended myth, hypocrisy, blustering, manifest destiny, lies, all together into a "white supremacy" candidate for president following a first, ethnically "black, President." "Confusion" --because its meaning was not explicitly explained; people are left to infer privately its import. "Myth" --because it negatively implies that American power had been diminished from previously. "Hypocrisy"--because "making" suggests building, conforming, correcting, what? No indication . "Blustering"--is bragging about oneself: privileges, entitlements, vis-a-vis allies , trade partners, and even "enemies" real or imagined. "Manifest Destiny"--resuscitates the 19th century sea to shining sea territorial ambitions already gained. "Lies"--represents vilification and nullification of non-"white" minority aspiring citizenship populations. "White supremacy "--the historical, philosophical, theological , social , political, economic, pseudo-scientific, lies, calumnies against African Americans to rationalize fascism, and continued denial of equal legal opportunities, per law. The scurrilous motto also negates the scripture: Mark 10:18-- "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone." If none is "good" but "God alone" , then the Republican political slogan is apostasy, heresy, and blasphemy as well! If none is good but God alone, not even Jesus Christ, then none is great, "except God alone!" Thus, decoded as fraudulent is the framework for the ideological theft for the American election of 2016.