Saturday, March 2, 2019


KNOWING BETTER AND NOT Knowing better yet not doing better is hypocrisy. Not knowing better and not acting better is immaturity. Knowing better but contumaciously refusing to act better is profligacy. Not knowing better and yet not knowing to act better is incapacity. Hypocrisy, immaturity, profligacy, incapacity we meet daily. Knowing to do or act better is but one-half of these instances . The other one-half are not knowing better due to either immaturity or incapacity. Given this, Jesus' supplication: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do", Luke 23:34, can apply to but one-half of bad actors. For, "knowledge" distinguishes one from the other; these from those . The immature and the incapable are the ones to be forgiven by God by the prayer of Luke 23:34, which is based on the wrongdoers' state: knowing or incapable of knowing. The hypocrite and the profligate are not covered by the prayer of Luke 23:34, for they "know" but yet act contrarily to what they know by design, purposefully, intentionally. As for these "stiff-necked" people, nothing but God's grace suffices. Like David, with David, these stiff-neck ones must seek the mercy of God and avoid the justice of man. 2 Samuel 24:14.