Thursday, October 17, 2013

parent or player?

PARENT OR PLAYER? When I was 33 in 1984, I had a choice to make: Whether to be a parent or a player? I had a great job, a fine house, a nice car, deep education, no criminal record, no addictions, no significant debt, no health issues, and a wonderful family background of achievers. I also had a 5-year old son. My first wife was leaving to pursue other interests, I had learned summarily. What was I to do? Be a parent and raise my son, myself, or be a player, and let him leave with her so that I could "play the field?" Gut-check time! I chose to be a parent. Consequently, I thereby "chose the better part." Like Mary, sister of Martha, who listened to the counsel of Jesus--while Martha was working and complaining--I listened to the counsel of God in my spirit. In so choosing, I was blessed with another natural son, another beautiful wife plus her fine son, a better job, several other cars, many more achievements, and more joy than I deserve or could ever foresee. This personal testimony is published to aid someone, and is not intended to offend anyone. If I can help somebody then my living has not been in vain. Parent or player? Ha! No contest! Parent wins going away.... Amen!