Wednesday, September 25, 2013


YESTERDAY, I POSTED THE FOLLOWING STATUS: "Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them." MARK 4:25 When I first encountered this scripture in 1975, I asked my former pastor, Rev. Christopher Columbus Butler, of St. Matthews C.M.E. Church, near St. Louis, Missouri, whether this referred to money? He said, "No. Faith." I remain unpersuaded by his explanation, preferring my own intuition. SINCE THAT TIME IT HAS OCCURRED TO ME, THAT THIS MAY WELL BE A FILL-IN THE BLANK TYPE OF SCRIPTURE. FOR, EXAMPLE, "LOVE," "HOPE," "POWER," "POVERTY"--ALL WORK, IN ADDITION TO FAITH AND MONEY. WHO ARE YOU IS THE REAL ISSUE? TRY INSERTING OTHER SUBJECTS AFTER "HAS" AND "HAVE" AND SEE THE RESULT.