Monday, June 10, 2013


Churches evolve also in form and substance continually. Before there were Protestants, there were Roman Catholics from whom Protestants evolved. Before Roman Catholics were the African Latins from whom they evolved. Before the African Latins there were Jews and Greeks from whom they evolved. Before Jews and Greeks were the Egyptian and Mesopotamian from whom the Jews and Greeks evolved. Before the Egyptian and the Mesopotamian were the Ethiopians--Eastern and Western-- from whom these evolved...And so forth. Growth and evolution is an inexorable factor in life of our planet, our solar system, our universe. There are no exceptions. So, change in the church, in religion, is a foreordained part of the unfolding process in nature and in life. It too is of God, and can also be continually renewed by studying and by applying math, science, nature and scripture, all of which are of God, to the continuously varying human conditions, with malice and prejudice toward none!