Sunday, January 27, 2013



Is Erroll Garner playing "Misty" effortlessly and laughingly on piano

Born with genius. His gift was embellished magnificently by studious application to his craft.

Of like nature is the case of Albert Einstein's deriving formulae that mystify and unify man and atom.

Born into a cultured learning tradition, rich in music and books, he was but an ordinary student, who fathered a child out of wedlock, and who could not find work in his chosen field.

It was while a claims examiner in a patent office, that his application enabled him to devise his theory of relativity that has immortalized him.

Application is also embodied in Harriet Tubman, born a slave and partially disabled by lifelong seizures.

Yet, her faith in God, and her vital woodsman's skilled knowledge, acquired from her slave father, that, when applied with faith, enabled the liberation of thousands of slaves from Maryland to South Carolina.

Knowledge is good, genius is great, faith is fantastic but application of these talents to man is truly divine!

Man and woman--apply yourself!