Friday, June 4, 2010

Shay's Rebellion's Black Captain, Moses Sash

I've always been curious about Daniel Shay's Rebellion, which occurred in 1786-1787, since I first "learned" of it in junior high school in American history. I used the the term "learned" advisedly, because the book author and our teacher, Mr. James Brooks, were equally vague about Daniel Shays or the principles for which he fought.

While reading about it today, I was surprised to learn that one of Shay's top captains was a free black man, a Massachusetts farmer, named Moses Sash. Shay's rebellion sought to put an end to debtor's courts and to land foreclosures. When the rebellion failed John Hancock, the governor of Massachusetts pardoned everybody, including the brother, Moses Sash.

History truly edifies.

The link is above. Enjoy.

Larry Delano Coleman, Esq.