Sunday, January 24, 2010

Folded DNA and Kinky Hair and Intuition

Several months ago, after seeing GOOD HAIR, the movie by Chris Rock, I have been intrigued by the question why Earth's aboriginal people, Africans, black people, had and have kinky or tightly curled hair, while their genetic offspring--all other people on Earth-- had evolved either straight or curly hair. I still wonder.

Recently, however, I ran across an article, whose link is above, which shows how DNA is folded very densely into the nucleus of a cell so exquisitely and intricately into fractals to enable the 3 billion pairs to be in close proximity.

In short, the "folds" in DNA double helix somehow intuit the kinks or tight folds in our hair. Aboriginal man, aboriginal hair. DNA. Hmm. Something to think about. The article is above.

Much Love,
Larry Delano Coleman, Esq.