Thursday, January 30, 2014

POST-PETE SEEGER PARDON I sneered ignorantly, when another friend posted a notice of Pete Seeger's death. "Why should I care?" I wondered. "Just some old hippie." Then, today, another friend wondered aloud why her news-feed had contained no Pete Seeger postings. That did it! I liked her post, without commenting, and whirled into action. No more sneer. "Who in the heck was Pete Seeger," I wondered, as I searched. Then, I read a NY TIMES obituary of this great soul (posted below) and song-writer, and I wept. From "Where have all the flowers gone;" to "We shall overcome"--a real SHOCKER--to "If I had a hammer" and much, much more. A man among men he was and one great soul! Often persecuted, but resiliently resistant. American hero, legend and cultural icon in its finest sense.Forgive me Lord for my self-righteous sneer!