Saturday, January 18, 2014


Feedback makes a difference! Are you praying with me? Rubikcubeoctahedron ! If you gave a blind person a traditional Rubik's cube (hypothetically) and asked him or her to make a move once per second, they could have worked on it since the big bang and sill not have ordered the colors on the faces randomly, by chance. Without a feedback loop of information letting you know if you are getting closer to or further away from the solution (being able to see the colors), it would take more a lot longer than 13.8 billion years to randomly come upon the solution to something with 43 quintillion (43,252,003,274,489,856,000) possible permutations. However, given the proper feedback of being able to see a Rubik's cube, it has been calculated that any cube can be solved in no more than 20 moves. So, by moving your hands once per second you could technically solve any Rubik's cube in 20 seconds or less (some people can actually do it in under 6 seconds! : )