Monday, October 29, 2018


THE CONSTITUTIONAL RUSE The U.S. Constitution has been a ruse , an excuse, to concentrate political and economic power in an elitist, oligarchic "white" cabal. Its shibboleths about "we the people," did not mean all of the people, nor even most of the people--black or white or other--but it meant "WHITES" of property, and means, who satisfied other criteria. "The Summer of 1787" by David O. Steward makes this plain. Alleged "founding father," Thomas Paine, was useful as rhetorical rabblerouser, prior to the Constitution's drafting, but he had no value, after the former colony won freedom from Britain. So he was sent back to England, whence he came then to France! Founding Father, Patrick Henry of Virginia--"Give me liberty of give me death"--said "I smell a rat," in declining two invitations to attend the disguised convention in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787.