Thursday, October 18, 2018


HUMAN BEINGS ARE PROOF Thought, ideas, are energy. Can energy produce matter, things? We humans create matter from energy all of the time, even ancient times : inventions, agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, art, writing, numbers, compositions, music, pregnancy, navigation , etc. A facility, gift of God, that is so integrated, so integral to human existence that we are hardly aware of its presence, is our innate God-given ability to make matter from energy, from thought, from ideas. In musing about this, other issues arose, which are discussed outside of the human context , generally. The first general issue is: "Does matter come from energy or does energy come from matter? Or is it both?" Differently stated is the second idea . It is same query that Plato queried in his book "Timaeus," a classic. He had asked "does form come from substance or does substance come from form or both," essentially, in his epic work. Plato had studied at "Father Nile," taught by Egyptian priests in the 300s BC, amid the detritus of fallen Egypt, which was invaded 650 BC, by Assyrians, and has been subjected to foreign rule since the fall of the 25th Dynasty ever since! I do not "know" the answer, to either question, my own or Plato's; or, for that matter, even if there is an answer that is "knowable." This is only my surmise . The questions occurred at my awakening from sleep on October 19, 2018. So , I began to search, to google, seek. The Holy Spirit advised me that: "Energy comes from matter." This principle was proven by the development of the atomic bomb, in which special uranium atoms (matter) were split in half, in order to release horrendous (energy). It was demonstrated over Japan in 1945 in Hiroshima , in Nagasaki . Now a team of scientists have also suggested that matter can come from energy in a linked, 2018, "Forbes" article they develop the idea. They make use of Einstein's famous 1905 formula "E=MC^2", energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, as proof. Their hypothesis uses photonics, light-atom pairs, components of light energy, as their energy source from which to create matter. They hypothecate that splitting photons in half yields electrons and their antimatter, positrons, forms of matter. Demonstrative proof of this precept requires a laboratory and experimentation equivalent to the Hadron particle collider that found the Higgs Boson particle in 2013. Their article is below:…/einstein-was-right-you-can-tu…/amp/ Conclusion: Having first shown that we humans are "matter" who were divinely produced by "God," the infinite repository of matter, energy, thought, ideas, methods ; having further shown that matter produces enormous energy when splitting special uranium atoms, to produce atomic bombs; having shown further that modern science corroborates these premises by use of Einstein's "E=MC^2" it seems that energy is matter and that matter is energy, divinely. We humans are proof of these coeval facts. For humans are both matter and energy at once. We were created by matter and energy, God , and we are producers of matter and energy upon the earth. That is no surmise. That is a fact !