Thursday, April 27, 2017


FOR PLUNDER NOT PREDATION Profits, plunder, riches were more disorienting than any brainwashing. Who needs "values", when one's coffers are flush with gold, silver, gems, trade commodities, ships, guns, armaments, monopolies; and trusting, naive, credulous, laboring captives, who are #1 prime capital? These thoughts occur to me as I reflect on Spike Lee's "predators," comment relative to European, Arab, and American avarice over Africans and diaspora Africans all over the world the past 400 years. Profits drove the slave trade from within Africa itself as tribes fought over trinkets: beads, gin, cloth, etc. to enslave their "enemies," unless they be sold: with guns, lies, tricks: from Africa: to Asia, to Europe, to the Caribbean, and the Americas. Africans not only built and enriched Europe, Americans, Arabia, and the Americas by hard labor , perfecting mercantilism, but moreso, they also spawned the Industrial Revolution! The Berlin Conference of 1884, was convened in order butcher the continental carcass of Africa itself into spheres of colonial dominion as refined and civilized gentlemen had ought to do. These lords even magnanimously granted the vast Bantu-Homeland, Congo, to dwarf Belgium, the traditional roadkill, for every conquering European army, navy, magnate and/or capitalists. "Capitalism" itself is another direct descendant of the centuries old African slave trade, that later became colonialism, with the supporting array of despicable myths, creeds, scholarly, religious lies: enlightened, unenlightened; educated, illiterate--but, always "whiteness," the caul for it all, and preening false narrative, spewed to deceive the naive, since PLUNDER was the real one, appearances to the contrary, notwithstanding ever!