Saturday, June 1, 2013


A re-definition of "us" and "them" is in order, it seems to me. The old paradigm of race imposed by Western Europeans and Arabs to justify the African slave trade, to which other fellow "Africans" substantially expedited, must yield, give way, being no longer accurate nor efficacious for "them" or for "us!"-- However defined! This will be difficult --true-- but necessary no less, if we are to evolve to a newer level of human godliness and awareness on the Earth.

Frankly, Jesus Christ's definition of "righteous" and "unrighteousness" has great personal appeal, as does his delineation between the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25.

Of course, Jesus' cautions set forth in the wheat and the tares analogy, the parable of the sower, and the parable of the talents, mitigates the entire process, precluding a hasty rush to judgment and requiring spiritual discernment always!

What he does make clear is that we must mix and match in the marketplace of ideas, with all men and women from all walks of life, refusing only those who do not return our peace unto us. These we are to shake off our feet, like dust! Amen!