Saturday, September 8, 2012

Education is the key to the elevation and to liberation of all black youth, indeed for all youth, history has shown repeatedly. If properly designed and immplemented, it will educe each child's innate genius, as the example of Helen Keller has shown, as newly-freed, American slaves have shown or as home-schooled children now show!
On the other hand, a child that is deliberately abused by the education system will either drop out of school or drop out of society, vocationally and sociologically. The school system can be used for  good or for evil. It can continue, filling the nation's unemployment lines, family assistance rolls, jails, grave yards, hospital wards, even military barracks, with rejects it purposefully designs! Or, it can transform this nation positively from the ground up. Education is the key!
Wrest its control away from its abusers while there's still time! Then, watch things change rapidly!