Friday, January 10, 2020


HOW TO REFRACT DEFLECT MIXED MEDIA’S DECEPTIVE MESSAGING Promising one thing, but doing its opposite. Declaring in one place, then forswearing in another place . Being deceptive while feigning to be forthright. Dealing from under the deck. Withholding while pretending to share; giving out wooden nickels. The above named mixed messages, are like the famous“Trojan horse” of Greek mythology (or history) that was iconically delivered by the “defeated” Greeks soldiers as a military honor to Troy, in deceptive tribute to Trojan’s warlike force of arms, that they could not overcome in battle or in siege. However, as we know, the Trojan horse really was filled with Greek troops who dealt lethally, deceitfully, creeping out of the Trojan horse, then slaughtering the drunken Trojans as they slept off their victorious revelry of wine! Mixed mass media messaging, like the Trojan horse, is intended to confuse, to forestall, to delay, deceive; and to conform your reactions to another’s given ends. However, certain discerning ones with awareness may profitably mute and moot these malevolent mutually exclusive messagings by their prior, continuing intellectual self-preparations by discerning, studying, observing, listening, feeling, praying, testing and by “refractions”: protective and countering sapient philosophies. “Refractions” contemplate one conscientiously modifying their apparent medium, their seeming coordinates, to counter-deceive those sending mixed messages out mixed media messages to you, through you, about you, or others, to modify you and your interests by manipulating information for them. Incoming mixed messages that are sent by you back to your deceivers cleverly confuse your adversaries as well as theirs had confused you, profitably, justifiably, naturally , as do plants, animals , microbes etc. It works both ways! Do unto others!