Thursday, January 23, 2020


After the 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr race riots, urgent calls were made for a domestic American “Marshall Plan” like the one used in post-WW II Europe: $15 billion to rebuild its torn devastation of war. But rather than rebuilding, our nation recoiled, retrenched, repulsed those pleas: saying “You made your bed, Negroes! Now sleep in it!” They (both political parties) subtilely said back : “Thurgood is your ‘Marshall Plan’!” 100 funeral pyres in 100 American cities with thousands of casualties, hundreds of fatalities, millions in property damages, followed by repressive laws, mass black incarceration; jobs exiting to rural areas: leaving cities with no more than the detritus of abandoned hopes. Meanwhile all of Western Europe was rebuilt, including Nazi Germany. Japan was rebuilt, where we had dropped two atomic bombs, to avenge American Pearl Harbour shame! But the black American inner cities got nothing to rebuild despite their tax dollars having being sent abroad then/now as aid to foreign governments’ people; despite lying claims about long promised infrastructure repair to cities. Therefore, as I listen to the opening statement in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, I cannot be other than aghast at the utter hypocrisy of it all! from my perspective as a retired civil rights lawyer, journalist, historian, AME preacher , philosopher, husband, father, grandfather.