Tuesday, November 12, 2019


WHITE IS NOT RIGHT; RIGHT IS RIGHT Americans were warned not to trust immigrants who were old war time enemies, before trusting in African Americans , who had saved them & us, often. Americans were warned by blacks: Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington , Nannie Helen Burroughs. But ‘white’ was right to them, for they were brainwashed and rewarded by culture, deputized by law, favored by legislation , apotheosized by religion. The real miracle is that any individual whites could see through this white-hype to truth. Fortunately a few did, blessedly enough did, to assist the blacks win the Civil War & civil rights movement ; for the nation to prevail in each test of its sovereignty, blessedly! Now, we have the results of this hard -headed , stiff-necked politicians’ racism and greedy corporate leaders’ zeal : the present impeachment of a criminal President, a foreigner’s son and grandson who does not pay taxes; who does not respect our history nor our laws and constitution & adheres to the old lying paradigm of white is right! The German immigrant-descendants’ spawn like Donald John Trump is our President . Before him, there was the specter of German POW’s seating and eating in first class , while black troops were assigned to troops baggage cars in World War I and in World War II! None have proven as trustworthy as have we African Americans to America. Not has any Americans be so abused! And as earlier leaders like those above have also presciently prophesied, if we are to be saved from our perfidy, yet again, it will take the faithful acumen of African Americans to do heavy lifting!