Thursday, November 21, 2019


DRUG WARS ARE BLACK WARS Political white supremest based “Drug wars” in the United States have wickedly, neatly, nefariously turned the nation against nature; have discredited thousands of years of ancient African cultures; have maligned modern African American jazz and musicians’ culture, in which the drugs use was first popularized here; and have repressed that incipient mercantile and organizational instinct of young black men who sell drugs for income, all at one and the same time, legally, brazenly, wickedly, by spuriously criminalizing pot, weed, marijuana in the 1930’s, with pseudo-science lies about its unhealthy impact on its consumer! As though the health of blacks ever mattered and more lying political science about cannabis sativa’s adverse public health effect on the nation. Teams of employees at various agencies have generated reams of politically inspired pseudo-scientific lies about marijuana at public expense. These distortions mirror like distortions in black history and culture that are also still being disseminated politically. The pernicious canard has continued to grow till now, November 2019, through both Republican and Democrat administrations, blacks and whites, despite the move in a few states to undercut the federal laws’ stranglehold on criminality, toward state legalization of medical and recreational marijuana. The federal government has persisted in its facade of fake science, despite disclosures of scandals like “drugs for hostages” involving Americans in foreign policy and amid disclosures of the CIA’s imports of drugs/guns to American inner cities. Drug wars in America have continued through 2019, because they have done, successfully, what they were specifically designed to do, fallaciously, unpatriotically, and unnaturally; that is, to destroy black economic power, black cultural influences in American society, above all else, first and foremost, to beat down our black men by having them to “turf-war” each other, obliviously, blindly.