Thursday, September 12, 2019


Life is not static. There is life and death. Stars are not static . They rise, set , precess, disappear. Thus religion, philosophy, science, man, are not static: living, dying, rising, setting, precessing, disappearing. "[U]nified Egypt that was awarded to Horus was far older than the accession to power of Menes. It was an account structured to explain the altered sky, and explain the consequent problems that the alterations posed. It was an explanation and a solution which very early led the way to establishing a unity bond between the many groups of Predynastic Egyptians. "Political unification was credited to Menes, no matter that others preceding him may have ruled over North and South for short times. Menes not only established himself as a ruler without peers, he imparted to the tip of Egypt what Henri Frankfort describes as a 'form harmonizing so perfectly with Egyptian mentality as to appear both inevitable and perennial .' "A dual monarchy united under the rule of one was a form that came from the mists of distant antiquity. It was a form that had been created for gods in the heavens, and how inevitable that an imitation of the cosmic order should prevail for men on earth . "However, in one sense, the cosmic order was subject to change, and the religion itself reflected this. It could not and did not remain static. With the development of a religion from a strong stellar base, to one with the emphasis on the solar god, the ancient Egyptians created a belief system painted with much broader strokes and infinitely more majestic concepts ." P. 94, THE DEATH OF THE GODS IN ANCIENT EGYPT (1992) by Jane B. Sellers  Amen.