Wednesday, September 18, 2019


"WHERE DOES HE GET HIS CORN PONE?" Going far enough back into history one can see the divide between DuBois-Washington/Garvey, replicated in Houston-Marshall; King-Wilkins/Young; King-Carmichael/Malcolm X. African American philosopher-kings were Richard Allen, Prince Hall, Paul Cuffee, John Mercer Langston, Charles Hamilton Houston, Esq., Booker T. Washington, Marcus M. Garvey, as were Frederick Douglass, Dr. Martin R. Delany beside them. By "philosopher-kings" is meant they contrived to subsist by the work of their own hands, heads, hearts, souls, feet, mouths; in addition to formulating a movement or means forward for us.. The question of a leader's source of subsistence, "where does he get his corn pone from"--evoking Mark Twain's short story is the critical distinction between political leaders or true leaders.