Tuesday, August 29, 2017


PRIVATE REQUISITION Tuesday, August 29, 2017 By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman LET US ASSUME AS TRUE THE FOLLOWING: TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN IS MUCH REQUIRED; TO WHOM LESS IS GIVEN IS LESS REQUIRED; TO WHOM LEAST IS GIVEN IS LEAST REQUIRED; TO WHOM NOTHING IS GIVEN IS NOTHING REQUIRED. [NOW PRIVATELY RANK YOUR REQUISITION* TO/FROM GOD AND MAN] *req·ui·si·tion ˌrekwəˈziSH(ə)n/ noun 1. 1. an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials. "I had to make various requisitions for staff and accommodations" synonyms: order, request, call, application, claim, demand "we have submitted our requisition for additional staff" o o verb 1. 1. demand the use or supply of, especially by official order and for military or public use. "the government had assumed powers to requisition cereal products at fixed prices" synonyms: commandeer, appropriate, take over, take possession of, occupy, seize, confiscate,expropriate "their house was requisitioned by the army"