Saturday, August 19, 2017


HOWARD U. HOMECOMING RECALLED Howard University's many schools and colleges offered talent pools for us to use, freely accessible, in our various student undertakings. One year, 1974, while I was Howard University Homecoming Chairman, architecture students constructed a geodesic dome that engineering students electrified. An accounting student and staff was our treasurer. The art, parade, floats, bands were our Fine Arts students' bailiwicks . Journalism students wrote up and broadcasted our "Coming Home " activities in 1974, etc. And so on. Each part was played by persons with experience, expertise. Looking back , I now know how blessed we were to be so richly ensconced in such talented, conspicuous glory; since its kind doesn't exist away from alma mater, I was shocked to discover, in the outside world with black people, whose interests are often scattered, peeled, randomly.