Friday, October 21, 2016


JESUS PIERCES BONE MARROW Since the life is more than meat and the body is more than raiment , then Jesus' admonition to "feed my sheep, feed my lambs " resonates beyond the physical planes into other planes, mental and spiritual. Its subject matter is tacit in the holy admonition, that is, bread for life and bread of life; clothes to wear and clothes that do not wear out. Although he was speaking in one time and place, his thoughts have distilled within the here and now, transcending even time and space. Light cannot be hid any more than its radiation contained, whose half-life lasts many thousands of years. Jesus reflects and refracts the gifts of God into man, via natural images linking all that is, was, shall be, as one kindred creation all born to die. Jesus pierces me to the marrow of my bones, in love, power, wisdom. Not just for me alone but to all who seek his radiance in the simple way of life; in the ordinary things of life. AMEN 🙏🏿