Monday, October 31, 2016


USE IT HOWEVER IT IS ACQUIRED The famed question, "Which came first the chicken or the egg," has acquired the status of conundrum. Being a riddle, it also seems to asks "Whether teachers had teachers?" The riddle, question, conundrum, has to do with formation, creation, sequences linearity, priority, time; also with content. All chickens have come from eggs. All chicken eggs are from chickens. But, whether all who are teaching have been taught, would seem to depend upon the subject matter. Thus, there seems to be an apparent divergence within our attempt to combine biology with pedagogy, or education, based upon the character of each exemplars' acquired contents. Certainly all content is acquired, although some content is innate. While biology determines the forms of life, environment determines the lessons of life. Both need nurture, just as both need some nurturing. So whether chickens' or teachers' contents are acquired or innate is but another expression, or refinement of our primary question, riddle, or conundrum. Some people are prodigies. That is, they are born with musical, artistic, even, mathematical genius, which is seen in them, exhibited by them, at very early ages, without any formal training. Prodigies do teach some people. A few people have natural gifts that enable them to hear, to see, to feel, taste, smell, to sense, in sensitivities more highly developed than usual, and thereby to deduce, to induce, certain connections, associations. Still others with common sensibilities have used them, to such an extent of excellence, they are later deemed prodigies. Just as surely, there are yet most who occupy many other niches. Fact is: life is itself a gift. All living things are prodigious prodigies. If one buries one's gift in a napkin, in the earth, one squanders the gift that one has been given by God. It matters not what religious, or other symbols are exhibited on the outside of that buried napkin! However your eggs may arrive, cook them up, eat them up, as nourishment. However, teachers acquire content learn from them, so you may teach others, in turn.. The answers to the chicken/egg question and the teacher/taught question, riddle, conundrum is now confirmed, if confused, in us.